
All right. Before you look at this page all perplexed and clamor a "WTF?" let me explain. We all know most guys out there usually have some sort of "list" depicting their lifetime celebrity crushes, although most keep it in a mental state. Being the nerd I am, of course I have to go and create a web page about it. And why not? It's just one of those fun things to have in life.
I call this the Dream Team page, for obvious reasons. I began this list in 1993, and over twelve years it accumulated eight candidates. That's when I aged enough to realize that this list is pretty silly so it's now retired and I quit adding to it. But hey it's fun to leave up indefinitely so I can look back, point at myself and laugh.
So the way this works, these are NOT ordered by preference. They're in the chronological order I had my "phase" with them. I don't follow any of them anymore, but the rule I set long ago is that once you make the list, you don't come off, no matter how badly you screw up.
I doubt that everyone will 100% agree with my picks, and that's OK, but you don't need to e-mail me saying that (insert name here) is a slut or they're stupid or whatever, because 1) their reputation may have changed since the time I added them, and 2) everyone has their personal opinion but voicing yours won't make any difference to me. Anyway, on to the list...